Norman G.
Norman Gutiérrez was our Security Researcher at Prey. In addition to this, Norm served as Prey's Content and Communication Specialist, and our Infosec ambassador. Norm has worked for several tech media outlets such as FayerWayer and Publimetro, among others. In his free time, Norman enjoys videogames, cool gadgets, music, and fun board games.

Discover effective strategies to prevent data breaches in 2025. Learn how to do it with encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular audits.
Learn how to create a remote working security policy to protect your team and data. Discover actionable tips for work-from-home security.
Mobile Device Management secures and controls devices in business. Learn its purpose, importance, and strategies to optimize your operations effectively.
Discover how to build mobile security awareness in your workplace. Learn employee training tips and mobile device security best practices.
Explore why you need a company laptop tracking software to prevent theft, safeguard data, and enhance security. Learn how to protect your devices.
Learn why company cell phone tracking is essential for security and productivity. Discover tools, compliance tips, and best practices.
Discover how MDM tracking location can help recover lost devices, secure data, and enhance IT management.
Discover what a BitLocker recovery key is, why it’s essential for data security, and where to find yours. Explore tips for troubleshooting issues.
Learn how to create, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity plan to protect your organization from data breaches and cyber threats.