
Data Privacy

Learn about relevant legislation, compliance to regulations, and data privacy best practices in this Collection.

GDPR checklist: 5 requirements you must act on for compliance

Learn which of GDPR's requirement demand urgent action, how you should act on them to avoid common fines, and how to continue your compliance process.

February 28, 2023
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HIPAA checklist: Compliance and patient data security

We’ve created a HIPAA checklist to help businesses in the healthcare industry navigate compliance and patient data security. Take a look!

February 3, 2023
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How does GDPR affect mobile device management?

We know managing vast mobile fleets can be a pain in the you-know-what. Especially when they are chock-full of both private and corporate sensitive data!

January 31, 2023
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The EU-US Privacy Shield Is No More: What It Means To Our Personal Data

The ruling that governed data protection between the EU and the US is in shambles. What are the consequences for the US organizations dealing with european data?

August 31, 2020
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Complying With California's Privacy Protection Laws: CalOPPA and CCPA

California's gigantic role in the online consumer world makes its privacy protection regulations, CalOPPA and CCPA, a must-comply-to for any business. Learn what these legislation cover and how to work towards compliance.

March 26, 2019
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