Cybersec Essentials

Developing a cybersecurity strategy for K12
Juan H.
0 minute read
Developing a cybersecurity strategy for K12

K12 schools have increased their use of technology in the classroom. School districts used roughly 2,591 different ed tech tools on average during the 2022-23 school year, according to a report from Instructure’s LearnPlatform. That means modern schools are more than just physical classrooms; they are a complex IT ecosystem of interconnected networks and systems that contain a wealth of information, from student records to financial data. 

While technology provides many benefits, digital transformation also amplifies vulnerabilities, exposing K12 cybersecurity to threats from malicious cyber actors, with potentially catastrophic impacts on students, their families, teachers, and administrators.


Therefore, cybersecurity in schools is not just an add-on but an essential component of safe and effective learning environments. IT administrators play a vital role in this defense against cyber threats by managing security technologies, monitoring network activities, and detecting vulnerabilities. This guide will walk you through the process of developing a robust cybersecurity strategy tailored for K-12 schools.

Risk assessment for K12 cybersecurity

Conducting a thorough risk assessment is one of the first steps in developing a robust K12 cybersecurity strategy. This initial stage is essential to identify, evaluate, and understand potential vulnerabilities, threats, and risks that could compromise the security of the school's digital assets. It's about understanding what kind of assets (data, devices, systems) your school has, where it's stored, who has access to it, and how it's protected.

Consistently conducting risk assessments helps to prepare for potential cyber threats and to establish preventive measures. This approach doesn't just enhance the school's overall security posture, it also saves potential financial and reputational damage that could occur from a successful cyberattack. , The cost of a data breach averaged $4.35 million in 2022— a 12.7% increase from the $3.86 million reported in 2020—according to IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022.

Audit current security practices, policies, and technologies in place

Auditing the current security practices, policies, and technologies in place is a crucial step in improving K12 cybersecurity. It's essentially a systematic evaluation of the school's existing security strategy to check if it's effective and up-to-date with the present-day threat landscape. The process includes reviewing the school's IT infrastructure, data protection measures, access controls, incident response plans, and staff awareness levels.

Below are the advantages of auditing each of these areas:

School's IT infrastructure: A review of the IT infrastructure helps identify vulnerabilities and gaps in security protocols. By doing so, the school can take necessary actions to strengthen the security framework and preemptively address potential threats, lessening one of the top challenges for K12 IT directors.

Data protection measures: Auditing data protection measures are essential to safeguard sensitive data, such as student’s personal information, academic records, and staff details. A thorough audit verifies whether the school's data protection strategy aligns with current best practices and regulatory requirements, thereby preventing data breaches and protecting the school's reputation.

Access controls: By reviewing current access controls, the school can ensure that sensitive information is accessible only to those who need it for their roles. This prevents unauthorized access to critical data, reducing the risk of internal threats and accidental data leaks.

Incident response plans: Auditing the incident response plans helps assess the school's readiness to respond to cybersecurity incidents. A well-crafted plan can quickly mitigate damages, restore normal operations, and reassure stakeholders in the event of a breach.

Staff awareness levels: Staff often play a critical role in maintaining cybersecurity in schools. Thus, reviewing their awareness levels is vital to ensure they understand their responsibilities and can spot and report any suspicious activity. This process can bolster the human firewall of the school, turning staff from potential security weaknesses into assets in the school's cybersecurity strategy.

Review your infrastructure: networks, servers, endpoints, and cloud services

The school's infrastructure, which includes networks, servers, endpoints, and cloud services, should be thoroughly reviewed as part of strengthening K12 cybersecurity. Networks form the backbone of your IT infrastructure and facilitate communication between various systems and devices. Servers host critical applications and store sensitive data.

Endpoints (like Chromebooks, computers, smartphones, and tablets) are the devices that staff and students use to access the school's network and services. Cloud services are third-party platforms that host various applications and data over the Internet. All these elements can be potential entry points for cyberattacks if not adequately secured.

Recommendations to enhance infrastructure security include:

  1. Regular patching and updating of all systems: System vulnerabilities are common targets for cybercriminals. Regular patching and updating addressthese vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of exploitation.
  2. Ensuring endpoint security for protection and monitoring: Implementing tracking and monitoring technology on these devices can be crucial in preventing identity theft in case they get lost or stolen. With tracking and monitoring enabled, it becomes easier to locate and recover the devices, reducing the risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands.
  3. Regularly assessing the security posture of cloud services: Cloud services can be vulnerable to attacks if not properly secured. Regular assessments ensure that proper security measures, such as data encryption and access controls, are in place.
  4. Adopting a zero-trust model for network access: A zero-trust model assumes that no user or device is trustworthy by default, even if they are already inside the network. This approach requires every user and device to be authenticated and authorized before accessing network resources, significantly enhancing network security.

Establish security policies and procedures

Establishing clear security policies and procedures is crucial in forming a robust cybersecurity framework. These policies and procedures serve as guidelines for staff and students on how to use and protect the school's digital assets.

They also provide a roadmap for the IT team on how to handle various security processes, from managing access controls to responding to security incidents. Policies and procedures provide a systematic approach to handling security, helping to prevent security breaches and effectively manage any that do occur.

Develop or update acceptable use policies for devices, the internet, passwords, and data

Acceptable use policies for devices, the internet, passwords, and data are essential in maintaining a secure digital environment. They define acceptable behaviors when using the school's digital resources and provide guidelines on how to protect sensitive information.

Here's a list of some possible acceptable use policies for these areas:

  1. Devices: Policies for device usage might include guidelines on what kind of applications can be installed, the necessity for regular software updates, and rules regarding the physical care of the device. Additionally, the policy should also detail the procedure for reporting lost or stolen devices to prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Internet: The Internet usage policy should clarify what constitutes appropriate use during school hours. This may include rules against visiting malicious websites, prohibitions on downloading unauthorized software, and guidelines on how to share and communicate information online. It can also discuss the use of VPNs for safe browsing and the proper use of social media platforms.
  3. Passwords: Password policies are a cornerstone of data security. These should advocate for strong, unique passwords that are changed regularly and never shared. Further, the policy can promote the use of password managers and two-factor authentication for added layers of security.
  4. Data: The acceptable use policy for data should underline the importance of handling sensitive information with care. This includes guidelines on what data can be shared and with whom, rules on storing and disposing of data, and an emphasis on the importance of regular backups. It should also address the handling of student and staff personal information following privacy laws and regulations.

Create protocols for access controls, data privacy, and vendor risk management

Creating protocols for access controls, data privacy, and vendor risk management is crucial in maintaining cybersecurity in schools. These protocols provide specific procedures for managing various security processes and address potential risks.

Here is a brief list of recommended protocols for these areas:

  1. Access controls: The access control protocols should follow the principle of least privilege, meaning users only have the access necessary for their job roles. There should be a process in place for granting, reviewing, and revoking access rights. Additionally, multi-factor authentication should be employed for critical systems to add an extra layer of security.
  2. Data privacy: The protocols for data privacy should ensure compliance with relevant data protection laws and regulations. These should include procedures for data classification, storage, transmission, and disposal. There must also be protocols in place for handling data breaches, including notifying affected parties and relevant authorities.
  3. Vendor risk management: Vendor risk management protocols should require all vendors to comply with your school's security standards. There should be a system for regularly assessing and auditing the security practices of your vendors. Any contracts with vendors should clearly state responsibilities for data protection, breach notification, and incident response.

Outline incident response and data breach notification processes

An effective K12 cybersecurity strategy needs to include procedures for detecting and responding to security incidents, as well as notifying affected parties of data breaches and post-breach recovery. It should outline the roles and responsibilities of different team members, the procedures for identifying and containing incidents, and the strategies for recovering from incidents and restoring normal operations.

A data breach notification process offers guidelines for promptly informing affected individuals and relevant authorities about a data breach. This process is often legally mandated in various jurisdictions. In fact, on July 26, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission introduced a new rule compelling public companies to report data breaches that could impact their financial performance within four days. Clearly outlining these procedures is crucial to guarantee a rapid and efficient response to security incidents, thereby minimizing potential damage and downtime.

Implement technical K12 cybersecurity controls

Technical security controls are the technologies and tools that help protect the school's digital assets from cyber threats. They include hardware and software solutions such as firewalls, antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, encryption tools, and more. Implementing these controls can help detect and prevent cyber threats, protect sensitive data, and maintain the integrity and availability of the school's IT systems.

Install firewalls and segment networks

Installing firewalls and segmenting networks is a key security measure that every school should adopt. Firewalls act as gatekeepers, monitoring and controlling the network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

Segmenting networks, on the other hand, ensures that in the event of a breach, the impact is contained within that segment and doesn't spread throughout the network. It also limits access between student/staff networks to minimize the potential attack surface.

Deploy endpoint detection and antivirus tools

Deploying endpoint detection and antivirus tools helps in identifying and preventing threats before they can inflict damage. These tools scan for known threats and monitor system behavior for suspicious activities. Enabling automatic updates and patches is equally important, as it ensures your systems are always equipped with the latest security protections, keeping up with future trends in school cybersecurity.

Require multi-factor authentication for logins, VPN, email, etc

Requiring multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a powerful tool for preventing unauthorized access. MFA requires users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access, making it difficult for cybercriminals to breach accounts. This extra layer of security significantly reduces the chances of identity theft and ransomware attacks.

Encrypt sensitive student data at rest and in motion

Encrypting sensitive student data both at rest and in motion is a crucial step in preventing unauthorized access to data. Encryption converts data into a code that can only be accessed with a decryption key. This way, even if data falls into the wrong hands, it remains unreadable and secure.

Promote K12 cybersecurity awareness

Promoting security awareness among staff and students is a key part of any cybersecurity strategy. This involves educating them about the various cyber threats they might encounter, the potential impacts of these threats, and the steps they can take to protect themselves and the school's digital assets. Promoting security awareness can significantly reduce the risk of cyber threats such as phishing attacks, malware infections, and data breaches.

As an overview, cybersecurity in education should involve:

  1. Assessing staff cybersecurity knowledge and training: Staff members play a significant role in a school's cybersecurity posture. Their cybersecurity knowledge and understanding can significantly impact the school's vulnerability to cyberattacks. Assessing staff cybersecurity knowledge involves checking their understanding of basic cybersecurity concepts, their awareness of common cyber threats, and their ability to follow security best practices.
  2. Implementing age-appropriate instructions for students: It's also important for students to understand the cyber threats they might face. Instruction for students should be age-appropriate and cover topics like safe internet use, protecting personal information, and recognizing and reporting potential cyber threats.
  3. Fostering a cybersecurity culture: This involves creating an environment where cybersecurity is seen as everyone's responsibility and where everyone feels comfortable reporting potential threats. This can help ensure that potential threats are detected and dealt with quickly.

Provide cybersecurity training for all staff and students

Providing regular training sessions on digital citizenship, and online safety mechanisms is a practical way to promote security awareness. These training sessions can equip staff and students with the knowledge and skills they need to recognize and respond to various cyber threats.

It’s important for staff and students to learn about these topics:

  1. Phishing: Phishing attacks involve sending deceptive emails or messages that trick recipients into revealing sensitive information (like passwords) or downloading malware. Understanding how phishing works can help prevent these attacks.
  2. Password security: Using strong, unique passwords and changing them regularly is a fundamental aspect of cybersecurity and can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
  3. Social engineering: Social engineering attacks manipulate people into breaking security procedures or revealing sensitive information. Understanding social engineering techniques can help prevent these attacks.

Create a K12 cybersecurity reporting system for staff and students to report threats

Creating a reporting system for staff and students to report cyber threats is an effective way to enhance the school's cybersecurity. A reporting system provides a simple way for individuals to report any suspicious activity or security incidents they encounter. This can include phishing attempts, suspected malware infections, or potential data breaches.

A reporting system can help the IT team quickly identify and respond to threats, reducing the potential damage and disruption caused by these threats. Furthermore, it can encourage a culture of shared responsibility for school cybersecurity, where everyone plays a part in protecting the school's digital assets.

It’s best if the reporting system is made easy to use and understand for both your staff and your students.

Monitor and improve defenses

Regular monitoring and improving defenses are crucial to staying ahead of cyber threats. By keeping a keen eye on your security posture and continuously looking for ways to strengthen it, schools can be better prepared to ward off any cyber threats. This process should be proactive and ongoing, reflecting the dynamic nature of the cyber threat landscape.

Actively monitor networks, devices, and servers for threats

Actively monitoring networks, devices, and servers for threats is a key part of any cybersecurity strategy. These types of IT assets are common targets for cyberattacks, and monitoring them can help detect suspicious activity early. Reviewing the device's check-in status and logs regularly can provide valuable insights into system behavior and help detect unusual activity that might signal a security breach.

Log review involves analyzing the log files generated by various systems and devices for any signs of security incidents or policy violations. It's a crucial aspect of cybersecurity that can help in detecting, responding to, and investigating security incidents.

Perform vulnerability scans and penetration testing to find weaknesses

Performing vulnerability scans and penetration testing is a proactive way to find and fix weaknesses in your cybersecurity defenses. Vulnerability scans involve using automated tools to scan systems for known vulnerabilities. They can identify unpatched software, insecure configurations, and other potential weak points that could be exploited by cybercriminals.

Penetration testing involves simulating a cyberattack to identify vulnerabilities and test the effectiveness of the existing defenses. It can provide a realistic assessment of the school's security posture and help identify gaps in the defenses.

Regularly review and update policies, controls, and incident response plans

Regularly reviewing and updating policies, controls, and incident response plans is essential to maintaining robust cybersecurity. As the threat landscape evolves, so too should your defenses.

Regular reviews can help identify any outdated policies or controls that need to be updated, and they can ensure that your incident response plan is ready to handle the latest threats. Regular reviews also ensure compliance with any changes in legal or regulatory requirements related to cybersecurity.

Incident response and recovery

Having an incident response and recovery plan in place is vital in managing and mitigating the impact of a cyber incident.. An effective incident response plan can reduce the downtime and damage caused by a cyber incident and ensure a swift return to normal operations.

Develop an incident response plan that outlines procedures for detecting, responding to, and recovering from cybersecurity incidents

Developing an incident response plan is an essential step in preparing for potential cyber incidents. The plan should outline steps such as:

  1. Identifying and reporting the incident: This involves detecting the incident, determining its nature and scope, and reporting it to the relevant parties. It may involve monitoring systems for signs of an incident, conducting an initial analysis to determine the incident's impact, and notifying the appropriate individuals or teams.
  2. Containing the incident to prevent further damage: This involves taking steps to prevent the incident from causing further harm. It could include isolating affected systems to prevent the spread of malware or temporarily disabling certain functions to stop unauthorized access.
  3. Eradicating the cause of the incident: This involves identifying and eliminating the root cause of the incident, such as removing malware, patching vulnerabilities, or changing compromised passwords.
  4. Recovering and restoring systems: This involves restoring systems to their normal functions and recovering lost or corrupted data. It could involve restoring systems from backups, replacing compromised files, or reinstalling software.
  5. Learning from the incident and improving defenses: This involves conducting a post-incident review to identify lessons learned, improve future responses, and strengthen defenses.
  6. Implement a disaster recovery plan to restore operations in the event of a major incident: A disaster recovery plan identifies the resources needed for recovery, assigns roles and responsibilities, and details the procedures for restoring operations. Having a disaster recovery plan in place ensures that the school can quickly resume normal operations following a major incident, minimizing downtime and disruption.

Have backups of critical data, and test them regularly

Having backups of critical data and testing them regularly is a fundamental aspect of incident response and recovery. Backups are copies of important data that can be used to restore the original data in the event of a data loss incident, such as a ransomware attack, hardware failure, or human error.

Regularly testing backups ensures that they are working properly and that the data can be successfully restored when needed. Testing might involve trying to restore data from a backup to verify that it's readable and usable. Regular backups and testing are critical in ensuring that the school can quickly recover from a data loss incident and resume normal operations.

Establish communication channels and protocols for reporting and addressing security breaches promptly

Establishing communication channels and protocols for reporting and addressing security breaches promptly is an integral part of cybersecurity management. Rapid and clear communication can help minimize the damage caused by a breach and ensure a coordinated response.

This process involves several crucial steps:

  1. Identify key stakeholders who need to be informed: This means determining who should be informed in the event of a security breach. The list of key stakeholders may include school management, IT staff, teachers, students, parents, legal advisors, public relations teams, and even law enforcement or regulatory bodies in some cases. The roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder should be clearly defined, as should the order and method of communication.
  2. Set clear communication channels for reporting incidents: There should be a clear and easily accessible channel through which staff members, students, and other stakeholders can report any suspected security incidents. This might be a dedicated email address, a reporting form on the school's website, or a hotline. Everyone in the school community knows about this channel and how to use it.
  3. Establish a protocol for timely and accurate communication during an incident: In the event of a security breach, accurate information must be shared promptly to avoid causing unnecessary alarm or confusion. A protocol should be established that outlines who should communicate, what they should communicate, when they should do it, and how. It should emphasize sharing accurate information promptly while avoiding the disclosure of sensitive data that could exacerbate the situation.
  4. Conduct post-incident communication to ensure lessons learned are shared: Once the incident has been resolved, it's important to communicate the outcome to the relevant stakeholders. This should involve explaining what happened, what actions were taken, what the results were, and what measures are being implemented to prevent similar incidents in the future. By sharing these lessons learned, the school can improve its cybersecurity measures and help stakeholders understand the importance of cybersecurity.

Conduct periodic incident response drills to ensure staff members are prepared to handle cybersecurity incidents effectively

Conducting periodic incident response drills is a great way to ensure staff members are prepared to handle cybersecurity incidents effectively. These drills provide practical experience and help to identify any gaps in the response plan that need to be addressed.

Advancing education with a comprehensive K12 cybersecurity strategy

Properly protecting schools from modern cyber threats involves having a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. It starts with a thorough risk assessment and analysis, followed by auditing and reviewing existing practices and infrastructure. Establishing clear security policies and procedures, implementing technical controls, promoting security awareness, and continuous monitoring are all key elements of this strategy. Developing an incident response plan and conducting periodic drills ensure that the school is well-prepared to respond effectively in the event of a cyber incident.

Cyber threats evolve rapidly, and staying one step ahead requires continuous learning and adaptation. With a solid cybersecurity strategy in place and a culture of security awareness, schools can create a safe digital environment that promotes learning while protecting the integrity of their digital assets.


What is K12 cybersecurity?

K12 cybersecurity is the practice of securing information technology systems and network security in schools that serve kindergarten through 12th graders.

What are the biggest cyber threats to K12 remote learning environments?

The top cyber threats to K12 remote learning environments are ransomware attacks, phishing attacks, insecure remote access points, insecure video conferencing and weak authentication.

How do you report k12 cyber incidents?

Every educational institution should establish procedures for what to do in the event of a cyber incident. Generally, the first point of contact should be the school’s IT department and school administrators. If personal information about students and their families is at risk of compromise, the school should send out a release to school staff, parents, and families. Institutions are also requested to report cyber incidents to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) by contacting or (888) 282-0870.

What is the K12 Cybersecurity Act of 2021?

The K12 Cybersecurity Act, passed by Congress in 2021, essentially requires the CISA to; study the cybersecurity risks facing elementary schools, develop and recommend cybersecurity guidelines, evaluate school cybersecurity challenges, and develop a training toolkit for school officials.


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